Wedding Hairstyles with Long Veil

wedding hairstyles with long veil

wedding hairstyles with long veil

Veil – Bridal headpiece, emphasizing the pure, innocent nature of the girl. In Russia, no ceremony is not complete without this accessory: it was believed that it would protect the bride from the dark forces, the impact of which she is particularly vulnerable during celebration. In our days wedding hairstyles with long veil is an optional part of the outfit, but many girls prefer them. Read more about wedding updos for very short hair.

wedding updos with long veil photo

wedding updos with long veil photo

And veils can be short, medium or long. Know what hairstyles are in fashion this season? All the answers in the article.

wedding hair for long veil

wedding hair for long veil

Wedding hairstyles with long veil 2016

To wedding hairstyles with long veil team look balanced, you need to think carefully about their own image. The main part of the outfit is the dress, so you should take into consideration its style and decor.

bridal hair for long veil

bridal hair for long veil

If the dress is not full of jewelry (pearls, beads, rhinestones, lace, sequins), hairstyle should be simple, modest, laconic and long veil. Attention to these details will help to create the perfect wedding image.

wedding updo for long veil

wedding updo for long veil

For short hair

Owners of short haircuts is very suitable to wear long veils – it will visually make the hair longer. There are several options for beautiful styling – fun cheat curls to elegantly style your hair, protruding negligent “feathers.” Stylish short haircut “Bob” lay, making high bouffant, attach the veil to the parietal area.

wedding updos with long veil without tiara

wedding updos with long veil without tiara

During the fixing of wedding veils on this length, use eyelash extensions or hairpieces, special hoops that it is firmly fixed on the head. Decoration better to choose light, airy.

pictures of bridal hairstyles for long veil

pictures of bridal hairstyles for long veil

For long hair

Girls with long hair, you can use various options for the styling – it all depends on the imagination of the bride. Veil looks feminine, solemnly, so you need to choose a hairstyle that matches this attribute attire.

wedding updos hair down long veil

wedding updos hair down long veil

Let your hair down, screw the gentle and beautiful curls that make a luxurious your hair, open neck, using a fine beam, tighten the harnesses. It is interesting to look asymmetrical options – oblique parting, uneven bangs, hairstyles pinned to the side.

wedding hairstyles with long veil photo

wedding hairstyles with long veil photo

For medium hair

Girls with medium length perfect styling to veil in retro style. It can be smooth waves in the style of the twenties, a gorgeous three-dimensional “Babette”. Excellent will look elegant and neat styling-shell.

wedding hairstyles for long veil

wedding hairstyles for long veil

Looks interesting hairstyle-bow – she looks gentle and stylish. If you nepilna hair, use a special roller-chignon, which will give the impression of density.

wedding hairstyles with long veil and tiara

wedding hairstyles with long veil and tiara

Haircut above the shoulders with a veil will look playful and mischievous, if to wind the strands on curlers.

pictures of wedding updos for long veil

pictures of wedding updos for long veil

Loose hair with long veil

Long hair look beautiful and romantic. To create an image, use the large curls, curl around the Curling iron, soft elegant curls or completely straighten your hair utjuzhkom.

curly wedding hairstyles with long veil

curly wedding hairstyles with long veil

The veil in this case will be attached to the top. Decorate the resulting styling with fresh flowers, a wreath, a beautiful barrette, a tiara, that style suited the whole wedding together.

wedding updo with long veil

wedding updo with long veil

High volume bundle

The beam has become very popular and has become a classic wedding hairstyle. Make it work on hair medium or long length veil will be attached under the packing. The beam master will gather at the crown, and in his decoration, you can use netting, harnesses.

wedding hair down with long veil

wedding hair down with long veil

The elements used in the creation of high or low beam is pins, studs, silk ribbon. The choice of this styling to the wedding celebration will emphasize the delicate taste of the bride, her elegance.

bridal hairstyles with long veil image

bridal hairstyles with long veil image


Hairstyle for a wedding in the Greek style

Greek hairstyle looks chic. It is done so:

  • clip the bulk hair is attached at the top, the lower part is separated, is winded with the help of curlers or Curling irons, a bit is fixed with varnish;
  • then separated the next part and so on to hair until all hair is covered locks;
bridal hairstyles with long veil and tiara

bridal hairstyles with long veil and tiara

  • after it is possible to give different forms to make malvinka, raise up, release strands at the temples;
  • the final chord – decorate laying the buds, ribbons, artificial or real pearls.
bridal hairstyles with long veil photo

bridal hairstyles with long veil photo

Beautiful braided hairstyles

Wedding hairstyles with braids and long veil look beautiful and gentle. They are suitable for the brides who chose a romantic look to the celebration. It can be braids-handmade, French braids, weaving garlands.

curly wedding updos with long veil

curly wedding updos with long veil

Before doing the hair, hair is a little screw that spit was bigger, braid it, secure with a thin elastic band or tape. The ends of her hair shake a bit to give them volume.

wedding updos with long veil image

wedding updos with long veil image

Advices for choosing hairstyles with long veil

A few tips that will help you to make your hair in combination with long veil looked amazing during the wedding:

  • If you choose to have long hair, make sure that they looked natural, healthy. The abundance of varnish and split ends hardly anyone will like.
wedding hair with long veil

wedding hair with long veil

  • Follow harmony: hairstyle, veil and dress should fit each other.
  • Make sure that the veil could remove without hurting the hair. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable to go to a Banquet with such long attire.
bridal hairstyles for long veil

bridal hairstyles for long veil

  • Lush veil worth buying just to dress with a voluminous skirt.
  • You should not prefer too elaborate coiffure – long veil itself is going to become a great ornament.
wedding hairstyles hair down long veil

wedding hairstyles hair down long veil

Wedding hairstyles with long veil beautiful look luxurious and elegant. Define in advance, which will make during the wedding. Make a few sample hairstyles and pick a veil that will fit you perfectly.

wedding hairstyles hair down long veil

wedding hairstyles hair down long veil

bridal hairstyles hair down long veil

bridal hairstyles hair down long veil

wedding hairstyles with long veil image

wedding hairstyles with long veil image

bridal hair down with long veil

bridal hair down with long veil

bridal hairstyles with long veil

bridal hairstyles with long veil

pictures of wedding hairstyles for long veil

pictures of wedding hairstyles for long veil

bridal hair with long veil

bridal hair with long veil

wedding updos for long veil

wedding updos for long veil

curly bridal hairstyles with long veil


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