At my wedding, even the most dispassionate fashion, man becomes a true dandy, for which all the details of his toilet verified and significant.
Men’s wedding fashion exists on a par with women and contains mnozhestvennaya. Bad color butterflies, illiterate adjusted length of pants and stylistic missteps can ruin men’s suit for the wedding and as a consequence the appearance of the gentleman.
To avoid this, the groom should try on different options for wedding suits for men, carefully consider your image and pick the suitable accessories. So, what wedding suits for men exist?
Wedding three-piece suit for the groom
Mens wedding three-piece suits look like the suits-two, but with the inclusion of a supplementary item vest color or combined with the jacket, or, on the contrary, contrasted with him, but certainly resonates with the finish and the accessories of the bride.
Grooms, choosing wedding suits-three, can take off your jacket during the informal part of the holiday without losing the solemn. However, there is one “but”: unlike the jacket, the vest accentuates all the flaws of the figure and looks good only on men of an athletic Constitution.
Black coat with pointed front floors at the waist and long, narrow tails in the back prefer to wear the real aesthetes and dandies of London, thus underlining its belonging to the upper strata of society. The full dress coat consists of a starched shirt front, vest, or stylish butterfly tie bib.
In any case, do not wear under a black tuxedo vest and bow tie, or your suit for the wedding smack in the uniform of a head waiter or waiter. And remember – the tailcoat is worn solely with black lacquer shoes.
Your girl always liked the superhero James bond? It’s time to show you are better than this blue-eyed 007. Show up at the wedding reception in an elegant tuxedo, a favorite of the legendary bond outfit. Wear under a tuxedo shirt, bow tie, sash or vest (with white tuxedo – white, black – black) and put the handkerchief in the breast pocket.
The main mistakes of men’s style
Examples of the most common mistakes when selecting wedding suits and accessories for men, which nullify all the efforts of the stronger sex to look stylish:
- A bad combination a wedding dress for the bride and bridesmaid dresses. This also applies colors and textures. In other words, a blue vest and a red dress, or woollen suit for the wedding and a light, weightless outfit of the bride will look equally disharmonious. Eclectic wedding is not welcome!
- Wedding suits should ideally sit on the figure, creating a feeling of comfort and convenience. During the fitting of the costume extend your arms forward – if the back is not formed folds, then the jacket fits you. Classic pants that are dragging on the floor or do not reach the ankle, can completely spoil the appearance of suitors. According to the rules of etiquette pants length modern wedding dresses must extend exactly to the middle of the heel.
- Accessories should not be perceived as something separate from the whole image. Pins, clips, cufflinks should be selected to each other and the wedding costumes with the utmost care. For example, if you have cufflinks silver color, the badge on the belt in no event cannot be Golden. And if some of the wedding costumes you prefer a tailcoat, then be prepared to forgo watches in favor of the pocket on a thin chain.
- Eccentric bridesmaid dresses, every year gaining more and more fans, of course, and give the grooms the opportunity to experiment with their wedding suits, but need to know throughout the measure. Cartoon characters on my tie, socks in a large square or wedding costumes of neon colors will give rather the lack of taste and not a great sense of humor. Original and stylish will look wedding suits for men, made of unexpected fabrics (velvet, tweed), or fancy neckerchief, replacing formal tie.