Wedding Manicure for Short Nails

On wedding day every girl wants to spend the weekend. Paid attention to every detail. Wedding manicure is no exception. In fact it plays a major role in the final image of the bride. Many people believe that effectively can only look like long nails. But this is just another misconception. Wedding manicure on short nails, with the right design and the selected design will also look elegant and very gently.

Wedding manicure for short nails

On this solemn day, the bride will constantly get in the cameras and under the eyes of the guests. Therefore, manicure on short nails photo, must be executed flawlessly. Today there are many different ideas of decoration, and it is not only normal lacquer, and shellac. This abundance of options can confuse the bride. But you need to adhere to certain rules. Remember that wedding manicure 2016 should not be vulgar and provocative. It would be better if it will blend in with the color shades of the bouquet or color elements of the wedding dress or Bridal bouquet. This year had the fashion trends of wedding manicure for short nails.

Wedding manicure with a pattern

Of course, at the peak of popularity of the classic French with the addition of the various drawings. Pattern, usually performed not on all nails, but only two nameless. The pattern can be made in white, cream, pearl, light pink, scarlet, silver shade. As an illustration, can make flowers, bows, lace or branched pattern. Ideal for fashionable wedding manicure perfect vertical lines and floral painting.

Golden wedding manicure

Golden manicure is a great option for a wedding celebration. After all, he in most cases harmonizes with the main decoration of the bride – a wedding ring. Interesting combination of gold color with white color. By mixing the color solution, you can create amazing stories.

Wedding nail design with pearls

Exquisite and attractive is manicure with pearls. The beads should be small. They can put a “smile” at the base of the nail. To create this manicure, you can use Matt white (base) and silver spray. Last needed to draw the pattern, which will be posted pearls.

Wedding manicure with rhinestones

The manicure with rhinestones is the most difficult, but very effective. This can be, already so loved by all, moon manicure with application of gel Polish. Where glittering crystals are laid along the line of the cuticle or the shape of a ball or triangle. Also looks very nice manicure, when crystals are not pointing all the fingers but only on nameless.

Wedding manicure on short nails: do it yourself

To make exquisite wedding manicure on short fingernails (you can see photos below) it is not necessary to run to the nail salon. With some dexterity it can be done at home. To do this you need to buy paints of certain colors, fine nail file, base coat and top coat.

French wedding manicure on short nails

Traditional French manicure consists of basic shades: white, pink or beige.

  • 1.Start a manicure with clean and filed nails, which eventually must have the same shape and length.
  • Handled nail file nails should be kept in warm water to soften cuticles. After that, it push the orange stick and cut with special scissors.
  • Next, is applied to the nails base. Thanks to her, selected the paint to lay down smoothly.
  • After the base dries, the nails are covered with a primary color. When the nail Polish completely dries, trace the tips. It is most convenient to perform this operation with the help of fine brushes.
  • After the tips dry, manicure and fix the finishing layer of lacquer-fixer. So the nails have a beautiful Shine.

Moon wedding manicure for short nails

Another fashion trend – moon manicure. To comply with its own forces is absolutely not difficult. It will require a stencil and paints in two colors.

  • Apply a base coat; the Hole at the base, usually a little lighter.
  • Therefore, choose a light lacquer and is covered throughout the nail plate.
  • The hole is glued to the stencil.
  • The nail together with the stencil is colored in another color selected.
  • Next, the stencil is removed and the varnish is dried.
  • The finish step is applying a top coat.

Wedding manicure for short nails: photos with good ideas

You have already chosen what will be your wedding manicure? If not, we suggest to see our photo selection. Here you can see the actual color combinations and interesting designs. Our ideas plus your imagination will help you achieve incredibly interesting and beautiful effect!

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